
S.N. Taluk Name of the Block Name of the Village Major Crops & Enterprises Major Problem Identified Identified Thrust Areas
1 Itwa Bhanwapur Katariababu Paddy, Wheat, Vegetable, Arhar, Toria and dairy farmin Bacterial blight in paddy
Khaira disease in paddy
Pod borer problem in Arhar
low yield of wheat
Low yield in mustard
Low yield of Tomato
Low income from dairy
Flood during kharif affects yield of rice.
Seed treatment in paddy
Use of zinc sulphate in paddy
Use of insecticide in Arhar
Chemical control of weeds in wheat
High yielding variety of mustard with improved package of practices
Use of hybrid varieties of vegetables
Balanced feeding and timely vaccination of animals
2 Itwa Itwa Jogikund Paddy, Wheat, Arhar, Toria, Vegetables & Dairy farming Bacterial blight in paddy
Imbalanced use of nutrients.
Micro nutrient deficiency in cereals
Pod borer problem in Arhar
Weed problem in wheat
Low yield of Toria
Low yield of milk
Seed treatment in paddy
Use of balanced fertilizer
Use of insecticide in Arhar
Chemical control of weeds in wheat
Use of high yielding variety of toria with improved package of practices
Balanced feeding for milch animals
Deworming and vaccination of dairy animals
3 Itwa Khuniyanw Ahirauli Paddy, Wheat, chickpea vegetables & Dairy farming Bacterial blight in paddy
Micronutrient deficiency in paddy and wheat.
Poor weed management in wheat and toria.
Potassium deficiency in wheat and rice.
Low yield of vegetables.
Low milk yield in dairy animals.
Seed treatment in paddy.
Use of new technologies for rice establishment
Use of micronutrient in paddy
Chemical control of weeds in wheat and rice.
Use of improved varieties of vegetables with new technology.
Balanced feeding and timely vaccination in dairy animals
4 Bansi Bansi Semra Paddy, Wheat, vegetable & dairy farming Old varieties of rice and wheat
Bacterial blight in paddy
Khaira disease in paddy
Poor irrigation management in wheat
Low income from Dairy
Low income from vegetables
Low yield of lentil
Use of improved varieties of rice and wheat.
Use of new technologies for rice establishment
Seed treatment in paddy and wheat
Use of zinc sulphate in paddy
Chemical control of weed in wheat & rice
Balanced feeding and timely vaccination in dairy animals
Use of newly released varieties of vegetables with suitable technology
Use of improved varieties & Line sowing of lentil
5 Domariaganj Domariaganj Marwatia Paddy, Wheat, Arhar, Dairy & Vegetable Bacterial blight in paddy Micronutrient deficiency
Pod borer problem in Arhar
Poor weed management practice in wheat & rice
Low yield of milk
Low yield of vegetables
Seed treatment in paddy& spray of recommended chemicals at appropriate time Use of micronutrient in paddy & rice
Use of insecticide in Pigeonpea
Chemical control of weeds in wheat & paddy.
Balanced feeding for milch animals
Deworming and vaccination of dairy animals
Use of hybrid varieties of vegetables